UX Design Strategy Simplified With Owl’s Eye Theory for Product Owners.

Kartick Hari explaining Owl's Eye view of UX Strategy

As a business owner, how do you devise the right UX strategy and steer it for ROI? A wise owl’s perspective can guide you through!

The crux of the owl’s eye theory is to simplify your UX design principles across the digital product ecosystem. A product ecosystem is a seamless amalgamation of customer experience (CX) and business operations experience (BOX). Let’s consider an e-commerce platform for better understanding!

In the e-commerce industry, customers play the lead role. Their experience on the platform can make or break the business. Be it a service-oriented app, a content experience app, or a daily usage app, a good CX strategy is a must for success. As a business platform with endless products from various vendors, you must provide a wholesome experience for these vendors to operate on your platform.BOX includes back-office operations tools, sales and support analytics, and HR communication tools that provide the necessary support for hassle-free business operations. The business operations experience office (BOXO) provides the necessary support for business operations with sales & marketing analytics tools, facility management tools, vendor portal systems, logistics management, and delivery services.

Combining customer experience and business operations experience gives a clear picture of your business analytics and intelligence. Business analytics contains analytics dashboards, sales & marketing strategies, brand strategy & communication, product & service, and customer relationship & experience, together forming a wholesome business experience (BX).

Why the name OWL’S eye theory for UX strategy?

Often associated with wisdom, owls are known to see things from a bigger perspective. We relate it to our UX strategies as it gives a complete idea of how your business functions and helps you be in sync with your long-term goals.

What are 5 X’s of the owl’s eye UX strategy theory?

Let’s dive a little deeper and understand how owl’s eye vision of UX strategy works for your product design. We classify it into five X’s. CX, CXO, BOX, BOXO, and BX.

CX is the pulse of every business revolving around the attractiveness and dependability of your designs. Brand identity, product design, and service design altogether provide good CX. Customer experience operations (CXO) manages CX with the help of a dedicated marketing team that ideates customer engagement activities and customer behavior management through market research analytics.

BOX is a UX strategy to help you provide the best experience for vendors to operate their business on your platform. It is of utmost importance to design a platform/product that works efficiently for these vendors as it is an aspect that affects your customer experience.

BOXO helps you achieve this efficiency by managing your wings of operation and handling the supply and demand of your business.

All these individual strategies collectively aid BX in reflecting on how your business functions on a decision-making level, providing sensible data that supports decision transparency.

The primary aspects that boost customer experience is people and product. Hence every time you have an idea for a product, strategize your design with a vision of what you want to achieve with it, and success is assured.

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