Top 5 Design Trends You Should Keep up with in 2022

This year has seen a dramatic change in design world, with the introduction futuristic tech into today's designs, and here's our take on the top 5 design trends that have been trending so far in 2022.


Well, we think it will only be right to start with the metaverse because they made sure to establish their entry this year with a bam!

If you’re still asking what the metaverse is- don’t feel bad, because it’s concept that take time and effort to learn that matures into reality, but the speed at which it’s been making headlines is impressive. The metaverse is a virtual world in which users, business, and digital platforms can exist and interact, which includes social and gaming platforms.

To design a universe that fits your imagination and way of living, with characters, or should we call them avatars, with specific features and characteristics is the most happening thing right now.


The second most trending thing in the design world today is NFTs. NFT’s consist of unique visuals, illustrations, videos, photographs, and even texts and audio recordings. Some say this will become modern-day collecting because these NFT arts are one of a kind and cannot be interchanged.

Eco Vibe:

Along with the previously mentioned, another in-vogue trend is the Eco vibe! Eco-designing means sending a message through color, concept, and shape. A genuine picture of the situation and things are appreciated the most. This kind of design also educates users visually and shows all the good reasons why we should buy environment-friendly products. And I hope the eco vibe always be in trend!

Inclusion and diversity:

Let’s not forget that inclusion and diversity in design take over the whole concept of a popular aesthetic or functional element.

Inclusion and diversity design describes methodologies to create products that understand and enable people of all backgrounds and abilities.

These concepts focus on relationships between people and successful communication of diversity; this is why we see more photographs and illustrations of the same with humans, in a figure that shows our thoughts, wishes, and needs.

Nostalgic Design:

And finally, yet a strong design trend, Nostalgic Design; this kind of design evokes trends of the past and gives a retro look into modern design concepts with typography, faded colors, and old-looking photos.

There’s always a mindset in every generation, as and when they move to newer trends in the ever-changing world to see something from their times, which gives them a sense of sustainability that this particular product or brand, which in turn gives them the impression of a great experience, and quality that is gained over time and hard work. But above all that is mentioned before, the main element that draws their attention is nostalgia!

Let’s see what other trends 2022 have got in store for us, and before we conclude let’s take a moment to thank all the people who bring these trends to us, and they are UI and UX designers, animators, illustrators, developers, and creative writers.

Kudos to their creativity!